Participatory Mechanisms & Forms

Participation promises benefits for community. Do you know how best to use this scale of participation driven decision-making in an effective way for citizens? Civic participation is only starting to develop in Georgia as a component of local decision-making. Yet, this decision-making process to date is often driven by other stakeholders such as international experts, national and international non-governmental organization. Do you want to know more and initiate civic participation in your city or municipality? In this section, there is information about participatory mechanisms and forms in Georgia which on the best way to create decision-making, taking into consideration the voice of the citizens. Here you can learn about mechanisms and forms for citizens to make a difference to local decision-making on development and the impact on community. Materials prepared employing a practice cases of Georgian citizens and perspectives on future decision-making policies.

Municipality Activities

In this section, we have collected data about participation in all regions of Georgia.

1)      Georgian municipality in numbers.

Main data about municipalities, including the number of practitioners, experts and NGOs in the area of participation.

2)      Interactive map of participatory processes at the municipal level.

The map includes participation form regulated by law, such as: rural support program, petition, General Assembly of a Settlement, Council of Civil Advisors, as well as those functioning without regulation, i.e. paricipatory budget, local initiative and participatory planning. The collected data is declarative and not confirmed. Indicatively, they show what methods are used by municipalities and how they involve residents. Each of the platform users can contribute to their data validation. As a user-driven site, we highly encourage your suggestions and feedback through our Contact Us page and the User Survey.

3)      A list of organizations operating in the field of various methods of participation in Georgia

If you like to find out which organizations are involved in participation or you are looking for a cooporation in the list you will find all the necessary information: contact details, pages and profiles on FB, as well as the area of activity.

4)      Contacts with experts and practitioners of participation from various regions of Georgia.

You can benefit from their knowledge, ask about experiences or invite them to cooperation. In the list you will find information in which a participation form they have the greatest experience. Among the experts, you can find AoP alumni in your municipal or region. You can also learn more about their activities on their blog or vlog (link to the relevant part on the platform).

GIS Database: Participatory mechanisms in municipalities

External opportunities – Solidarity Fund PL resources

The information presented here is from Solidarity Fund PL in Georgia resource and reflects the most current information. Information is updated as received from outside organizations too. We hope this information is helpful to you in your search for education courses to improve competencies.