What is the “Certification of Municipality”?

The “Certification of Municipality” is an analysis, evaluation, and monitoring of the “Participatory Budget” processes that ensures the development of municipality capacity in the field of participation.

“Solidarity Fund PL in Georgia” within the framework of the “Democracy Support” program started to certify municipalities in 2019 .

With the “Certification of Municipality”, it is possible to :

  • Upgrade skills;
  • Gain international experience and establish new contacts;
  • Acquire new knowledge and skills for the use of participatory budget and participation mechanisms.

Are you interested in:

  • developing your municipality and improving your welfare?
  • involving citizens in the decision-making process at the local level?
  • popularizing your achievements?
  • increasing international awareness?

If so, The “Certification of Minicipality” is for you!

How does the “Certification of Municipality” work?


Dates and time frame

At the initiative of Solidarity Fund PL in Georgia, in the first quarter of the calendar year, an application for certification of municipalities is announced;

What are the requirements for potential applicants?

Municipalities with an interest and willingness to obtain a Certificate of Combination of a certain level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the “Participatory Budget” (PB) must complete the application form.

How to apply?

Applications must be submitted online through the ParticipatoryHub platform. Applicants should contact the Solidarity Fund PL in Georgia team for any technical issues regarding the application process.
The representatives from certified municipalities are happy to share their experiences if you have not yet decided whether to apply or not.

Evaluation of the applications

Solidarity Fund PL in Georgia team of experts is responsible for the compliance of the applications completed by the applicants.
The team of experts considers the application with the following criteria:
Motivation-resource for participation.
- Expected impact on local community.
- Decision making at the local level,
- Inclusion of the “Participatory Budget” development and the Participation Mechanisms”.
The Solidarity Fund PL in Georgia reserves the right to request applicants to provide additional information regarding any aspect of the application in order to make a final decision.
Please contact the Solidarity Fund PL in Georgia team if your application details or circumstances change.

Certification Results

Applications for certification are reviewed and decided by a consortium responsible for decision making.
The applicant must provide a fully completed application;
As a result of the certification, the municipality will be awarded a certificate with recommendations and progress assessment analysis.

Award of the Certificates

A certificate will be awarded to the municipality in a solemn atmosphere at the conference organized by the Solidarity Fund PL in Georgia.

Did you get interested in? Would you like to learn more about  the “Certification of Municipality”?

A “Certification of Municipality (Certification of Municipality) booklet should be prepared where all products related to the “Certification of Municipality”will be included, according to this template and schedules

Video transmission

Ask an expert your preferablequestion and he/she will give you a comprehensive answer. See the information about the experts here to be indicated: List of experts and their coordinates (phone number, e-mail, social network)

What you need to know to start your learning journey around the “Certification of Municipality”?

Why the “Certification of Municipality”?

Because you as a municipality,

  • need a space for refinement, introduction and development of “Participatory Budget” and “Participation Mechanisms”.
  • Will share international experience;
  • Will improve your competence and skills in the field of participation;
  • acquire supporters, associates and be in constant communication with colleagues, and experts;
  • Will receive a certificate;
  •  Will become more transparent, accountable and innovative;
  •  Will create more perspective for the development of your own municipality;
  • activate participatory processes;
  • plan result-oriented activities;
  • Will receive practical advice tailored to reality by highly qualified experts;
  •  Will have the opportunity to develop the “Participatory Budget” and include the “Participation Mechanisms”;
  • Increase the awareness of the municipality at the national and international levels;
  • Will have the opportunity to actively involve the population in the decision-making process;

How to start the certification process?

For successful certification: 

  • It is necessary for the municipality to have a “Participatory Budget”, and all the necessary stages for its implementation must comply with the standards of the “Participatory Budget” in Georgia.
  • A municipality wishing to be certified must get acquainted with the C1 form;
  • Must apply to Solidarity Fund PL Georgia;
  • Must fill out application forms; 
  • Wait for confirmation of the start of the process; 
  • Confirmation will be followed by a series of emails, with  the details of: instructions for filling out the form; deadlines for filling in and submitting the application;

Certification Results:

  • Results will be announced according to a predetermined date;
  • Each applicant will be informed via email;

Which are the successful municipalities that already have certificates?

In 2019, for the first time in Georgia, the certification of municipalities was held at the initiative of the Solidarity Fund PL. Certificates were awarded to the following successful municipalities: Sighnaghi, Ozurgeti, Gori, Tskaltubo, Zugdidi, Kutaisi, Batumi, Akhaltsikhe.

If the municipality has successfully passed the certification and received the certificate, can it participate again?

The certificate is issued for 1 year, therefore the municipality can participate again.

What standards must a municipality meet to receive a certificate?

  • A municipality must meet the standards and principles of the “Participatory Budget” in Georgia. [hyperlink participatoryhub.pl/resource center/PB standards in Georgia.pdf]

Can we offer other municipalities to be involved in the certification process?

  • Of course yes. Anyone can offer to another municipality to get involved in the certification process.
  • The municipality invited to receive the relevant certificate must go through the procedures established for certification.

What are the necessary costs related to financing and retraining?

  • TheCertification of Municipality” is free. The selected municipality is exempt from all costs associated with the process;
  • If necessary (travel, hotel, meals, etc.) are covered by the Solidarity Fund PL Georgia

What are the decision criteria?

Compliance of the participatory budget with the standards;

Participation in the process, project submission and degree of involvement;

Evaluation of  the use of participatory mechanisms;

Readiness and desire of the municipality for the introduction and development of the participatory budget.

Who makes the final decision?

The final decision is made by the Inter-Agency Consortium, which was established to ensure and improve the ongoing PB process in Georgia, at the initiative of the Solidarity Fund PL Georgia.

What opportunities does a successful certification give you?

  • The municipality will become more transparent, accountable and innovative;
  • Activate participatory processes;
  • Share international experience;
  • You will have the opportunity to develop a “Participatory Budget” and include “Participation Mechanisms”;
  • You will create more perspective to your own municipality for development;

The result of the certification is: Active Citizens – Strong Municipality.

Are you interested in learning more?

Contact the expert

  • Contact an expert or AoP graduate;
  • Get specific answers to your specific questions;
  • Get to know how participation changes the local environment in Georgia.

Application form

Familiarize yourself with the application form and sign up to be notified about the Open Call to the “Certification of municipality”)