Community Solar Co-operative in Tkibuli Municipality as an example of an energy community

Is it possible to save on energy in kindergartens so that the community has more funds for further development?
Yes, it can be done – for the benefit of children!
In Tkibuli, Georgia, we have implemented a unique project aimed at improving the energy efficiency of kindergartens, as well as creating an energy community – the “Community Solar Cooperative”. Thanks to this initiative, kindergartens will become more comfortable and friendly for children, while saving on energy costs.

Who is the project for?

The selected Tkibuli Municipality Association of Kindergartens implemented an energy efficiency solution that covered 18 kindergartens. The project established an energy cooperative to monitor savings and recommend reinvestments in climate-focused projects. This cooperative aims to optimize energy use, reduce costs, and support sustainability, contributing to broader municipal climate goals.

What was implemented as part of this initiative?

Development of technical documentation for photovoltaic installations: With the help of a Polish expert in energy efficiency, representatives from  kindergartens, local self-government, and non-governmental organizations developed the most effective solution for Tkibuli. This solution will enable the implementation of photovoltaic installations that will produce the greatest benefits for the kindergartens.

Training on Monitoring Energy Consumption – During the workshops, community representatives  learned how to read data from new “smart meters” and how to settle savings with the energy supplier. This  will help better manage energy usage in kindergartens.

Photovoltaic Panel Installation – Thanks to the completed documentation, kindergartens will receive PV systems that will reduce energy bills by up to 40%, with  the savings being reinvested into further projects to improve energy efficiency.

Creation of a Reinvestment Mechanism – The energy community has developed a strategy to  reinveste savings into new energy-efficient initiatives, enabling the continued  development of energy efficiency throughout the municipality.

The implemented actions have not only improved conditions in kindergartens but also contributed to reducing CO2 emissions, saving money, and creating a healthier environment for the local community. Thanks to the involvement and cooperation of various groups – local self-government, non-governmental organizations, experts, and citizens – Tkibuli is becoming an example of how energy efficiency can improve the lives of children and the entire community!

Intervention logic

Energy efficiency activities serve the general purpose of expanding “optimal” energy packages in public buildings,  particularly kindergartens. Energy efficiency (EE) solutions for kindergartens have been developed and tailored to  the needs of low-income local governments identified in 2023. A mechanism to alleviate  electricity bills for local self-governments (LSGs) was piloted by the Association of Pre-School Education Institutions of Tkibuli, which was selected through a competitive process. Limited financial resources, low environmental awareness, and insufficient knowledge among municipal entities (including Municipal Associations of Kindergartens) hinder the ability  of local self-governments to replicate cost-effective energy efficiency solutions. Replication is crucial to verify  the efficiency and effectiveness of the solutions developed by SFPL, benefiting both  the municipal budget and the comfort of residents’ lives. SFPL activities contribute to a systemic solution that, on one hand, addresses the issues of savings in the municipal budget,  and on the other hand, ensures  benefits for citizens through energy-efficient solutions.

The project focuses on further modernization of kindergartens through energy-efficient solutions, such as  photovoltaic installations, generating savings for municipalities, raising public awareness of energy efficiency, building technical skills for monitoring PV systems as well as tracking electricity usage and savings, and piloting and scaling up innovative solutions.

The Action: Energy efficiency for increased living standards

Sub-task: “A Municipal Association of Kindergartens as an example of an energy community (Community Solar Co-operative)”

Implemented by: SFPL in Georgia

Partners: N.(N.)L.E. Association of Pre-School Education Institutions of Tkibuli Municipality, City Hall of Tkibuli Municipality, Tkibuli District Development Fund

Implementation period: 2024

Project is co-financed within the framework of the Polish development cooperation ( of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

The publication expresses exclusively the views of the author and cannot be attributed to the official stance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.